The complete most aggressive zodiac signs ranking article definitely informs you everything you want to know especially about how fierce each sun sign is from the most to least aggressive zodiac signs in order.
Whether you’re interested to know more about yourself or your partner about the aggressive behavior, this article (the most aggressive zodiac signs according to astrologers) will tell you everything in detail.
Table of Contents
Most Aggressive Zodiac Signs Ranked.
Top 10 Most Aggressive Zodiac Signs.
1. Aries (March 21-April 19)

The zodiac sign Aries is known for being the angriest in the zodiac wheel and these Aries zodiacs are always ready to fight over anything and everything at any time.
And all this aggressive behavior or nature is controlled by their ruling planet and it is ruled by the God of War Mars.
Their rudeness and aggressiveness can almost be expected from Aries which is quite natural.
Although Aries zodiacs are respectful of all people that have different and unique statements, they are not the people who back down others from a fight.
In addition, not only are Aries zodiacs aggressive, but they also have a quick temper and are the most dangerous zodiac sign when angry.
They are known for getting angry easily and maybe a bit overdramatic at times which helps them to achieve what exactly they want.
And the top reason for their rank one position in the list of the most aggressive zodiac signs is they will bring the smallest things into battle.
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2. Leo (July 23-August 22)

When it comes to being the most aggressive zodiac sign, anyone can blindly guess that the Leo (lion) of the zodiac is at the top side of the list.
No doubt that this zodiac sign is a fire elementary sign and is ruled by the Sun, which is the head of the universe.
And here both fierce and aggressiveness are united which formulated anger, short temptation, and outrage which is the usual personality of all Leo zodiacs.
Usually, they do not back down from any war or fight and in the case of peacemakers, Leo is the rarest zodiac sign.
Not only do Leo zodiac people refuse to back down, but they also tend to take pleasure in fighting with others to an extent.
And the secret of these Leos is they will pick fights first with people because of their enjoyment and satisfaction.
This is exceptionally valid if they are sticking up for someone that they love most. Overall they are always ready to fight which is a sign of aggressiveness.
In the list of the top 5 most aggressive zodiac signs, Leo is the second sun sign which is as much as similar to Aries in the case of aggressiveness.
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3. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini zodiac people are comes to both the list of the most aggressive zodiac signs and the most passive-aggressive zodiac signs.
And sometimes these Gemini zodiacs tend to be a mix between aggressive and non-aggressive because of their dual nature.
Naturally, they make it confusing for others that they never know what side they’re going to get with Gemini.
And one day, they act like they are more patient and the next day, they will be very fast to blast.
That’s why this zodiac sign is the hardest to get which is sometimes good for the people who are opposite to Geminis.
Furthermore, Gemini’s zodiac person is inconsistent both in their aggressiveness and in the ways that they deal with things in a cool version.
While these Gemini zodiacs may decide to walk away one day, they may prefer to slap someone in the face the next day.
They are diplomatic characters who are dangerous on both sides if they behave aggressively then it’s definitely harmful and if they show that they are cool then it’s harmful to you if you believe in their words.
So these Gemini zodiac people come to the top side of the list of the top 10 most aggressive zodiac signs ranked from most to least.
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4. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21).

This Sagittarius zodiac people do not get angry easily like other signs might that’s why it comes to the fourth position on the list of the top 10 most aggressive zodiac signs.
These Sagittarius zodiac people tend to have quite a while before they get angry to the point of losing it.
However, once Sagittarius zodiacs get angry, it’s better for you to run from that place.
So for your good life, you do not need to mess with an angry Sagittarius person.
This sun sign is indeed ruled by the planet Jupiter but this is the fire elementary sign which really affects these people’s personalities.
These people do not get aggressive on little things but once they feel that it is really a big deal for them then they are intensely involved and change their cooling personalities to aggressive ones.
That’s quite normal because a little bit of aggressiveness is good but when it makes the person mad and does wrong things then it is dangerous.
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5. Scorpio (October 23-November 21).

These Scorpio zodiac people are already famous for their anger and power which can be considered slightly aggressive.
And it’s also true that these zodiacs usually try to avoid or stay away from any conflict because they want to prove that they also carry a good heart.
Because of this particular reason, these zodiacs are sometimes showing some passive-aggressive behavior and they don’t take a chance of getting irate or aggressive.
And the secret thing is Scorpios can be a monster when they are angry which is more dangerous to the person they deal with.
However, these Scorpios prefer to be verbally mean instead of physical because they are very good minds players.
They are in the fifth position on the list of most aggressive zodiac signs because they do harm when angry and it doesn’t matter that you are always angry mood or at that particular time.
This zodiac sign has water elements but it is ruled by Mars, which is the planet of war. So it affects their personality.
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6. Aquarius (January 21-February 18).

These Aquarius zodiac people are one of the angriest zodiac signs because they are very quick to anger.
May they feel happy or more dominant when they show up that they are angrier and they do what they think and others are also bound to do that but not exactly happened that.
Sometimes without reason, they are getting angry which is really a bad nature because they do be aggressive first and then understand the actual matter.
In addition to this type of personality, they aren’t afraid of conflict and also they are not afraid to lose anything.
You definitely notice one thing if they have something to say they are going to say it without thinking that is good for them or a milestone for them.
Aquarius zodiac people do not go out of their way to hide their anger or make other people feel comfortable.
When you’re in a partnership with an Aquarius, this can be quite often.
This zodiac person is known for exaggerating the smallest things, which usually makes them seem a little crazy.
That’s why it comes to the top side of the list of the most aggressive zodiac signs.
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7. Taurus (April 20-May 20).

This Taurus zodiac person usually does not want conflict and as much as possible they stay out of any conflicts.
Because these zodiac people see all controversies or arguments as trivial, and would rather keep their distance from them.
And that does not mean that they are afraid of disputes but they love to live a stable and peaceful life that’s why they do that.
You will not get the same avoidance you found in the zodiac signs like Capricorn and Libra.
Rather, they will stand up against conflict head-on. When they have caught up with their limit, foresee them to explode.
Just one thing to keep in your mind Taurus zodiac people are like bombs because when they fight they never care about others.
They are only focused on why they fight and how they achieve that thing so they go to any extent for that.
That’s not a thing to underestimate so they are in the position of seven on the list of the most aggressive zodiac signs.
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8. Pisces (February 19-March 20).

These Pisces zodiac people get irate or aggressive rather easily, especially when compared to the other zodiac signs.
These people are angry about small things and no doubt they started fighting, if they are female Pisces then fighting is definitely happening there.
Sometimes Pisces zodiac people can get mad over valueless things or meaningless matters and then get furious because they don’t understand what made them angry.
However, this does not mean that these Pisces zodiacs are tending to brutality.
When Pisces zodiac people have a healthy way to release their irritation, they won’t know that it is there.
Making sure that they have that forum is the only key to getting along with your Pisces partner.
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9. Virgo (August 23-September 22).

These Virgo zodiac people tend to be more passive-aggressive instead of aggressive because of their prestige-conscious nature and do not like to talk to others unnecessarily.
Expect a Virgo zodiac person to make caustic or sarcastic comments under his breath instead of arguing with others which is not really good but sometimes good for his lifestyle.
Usually, the Virgo zodiac is not tending to violence and does not prefer conflict. Mostly they suppress their feelings and thoughts inside them because of their perfectionist personality.
They believe that their energy or advice never goes to waste so they place their opinion when they feel that is the right place and time for them.
However, this personality or nature leads to Virgo’s zodiac bottling up their emotions which is the secret of all successful Virgos.
But everything has a limit when this zodiac people become overwhelmed, all of those feelings and thoughts will come out as they explode.
But maximum the time they try to maintain a secure distance from all controversies that’s why they are on the poison of 9th on the list of most aggressive zodiac signs.
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10. Cancer (June 21-July 22).

No doubt that Cancer zodiac people are the least sun sign on the list of the top 10 most aggressive zodiac signs which is a good thing for all cancer zodiac people.
It’s very common that when a person in any zodiac sign shows aggressiveness when they are angry more.
So Cancer zodiac people can be prone to aggression when they are out of control in processing their anger.
But they go to such great lengths to stay away from the effects of being angry that they are infrequently considered an aggressive zodiac sign.
As soon as this Cancer zodiac people start to get irritated or aggravated with something, they prefer to avoid the situation completely and suggest others stay away from these conversations.
Sometimes they might change the topic to divert everyone’s mind and forget past misunderstandings or simply walk away.
This is the most common way to avoid their anger and they will continue to do these same things until they have calmed down.
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11. Libra (September 23-October 22).

Now we are on the bottom side and congratulations to all Libras because they are usually known for not being aggressive.
Because these Libra zodiac people tend to try to keep themselves very cool so that they can maintain the cool look that they want the world to see.
Sometimes, Libras feel that being aggressive is down them especially mentally and because of this, they prefer to come off as stuck up.
Instead of throwing things at the other person, expect Libra zodiacs to act better than other zodiacs while pointing out an analytical settlement to avoid conflict.
That’s why this zodiac sign is chosen for scaling it balancing which is also the symbol of this Libra.
And it is balancing the world to be very cool and sacrificing personality and the ruling planet Venus helps them to move forward with positive energy.
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12. Capricorn (December 21-January 20).
The zodiac sign Capricorn is a bit like Virgo because these zodiac people tend not to say anything when things are disturbing them.
While they hope that their all tensions and problems will go away, this usually makes them feel worse, and over time, their frustration is disposed to bottle up.
When Capricorns have too much bottled up, they tend to explode like a monstrous volcano.
However, Capricorns tend to compose themselves much faster than emotional Virgo.
They will fast to get back their equilibrium and usually act as though their outburst never went on.
After all, this zodiac sign is the least aggressive zodiac out of the 12 zodiac signs and for that, it comes to the bottom of the list.
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Bottom Line From Progrowinlife.
You are here means you read this article till the end and read your zodiac signs carefully because everyone wants to know more about themselves so it’s natural.
Here we want to mention that as per Gopansh Chaturvedi, an astrologer all zodiac signs are aggressive but the sun signs listed at the top of the list are the most aggressive zodiac signs.
If you are on the top side then you need to learn how to control yourself from being most aggressive which is good for you and your near and dear ones.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).
Which zodiac signs are aggressive?
No doubt that all zodiac signs are aggressive but the matter is the most aggressive zodiac sign out of 12 sun signs. so below listed showing you all the most aggressive zodiac signs ranked from top to bottom.
1. Aries.
2. Leo.
3. Gemini.
4. Sagittarius.
5. Scorpio.
6. Aquarius.
7. Taurus.
8. Pisces.
9. Virgo.
10. Cancer.
11. Libra.
12. Capricorn.
What is the meanest zodiac sign?
These 5 sun signs are the meanest zodiac signs as per astrologers’ point of view.
1. Gemini.
2. Cancer.
3. Leo.
4. Virgo.
5. Capricorn.
What zodiac signs are passive-aggressive?
These 6 zodiac signs are known as passive-aggressive zodiac signs according to astrologers.
1. Taurus.
2. Cancer.
3. Leo.
4. Libra.
5. Aquarius.
6. Pisces.
Which zodiac can control their anger?
These 4 zodiac signs are masterpieces to hide their feelings and control their anger.
1. Taurus.
2. Capricorn.
3. Libra.
4. Virgo.
Which zodiac gets angry easily?
The zodiac sign that gets angry easily is Aries because of its ruling planet Mars which is the planet of war.
With the influence of this planet, these Aries get hurt easily and are ready to fight that’s why they are known for getting angry easily and maybe a bit overdramatic at times which helps them to achieve what exactly they want.
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