Are you interested to know which sun signs are comes to the list of meanest zodiac signs as per astrologers’ point of view?
Or are you want to know whether your zodiac sign is on the meanest zodiac signs list or not?
Or you are looking to astrology can assist you in better understanding why people are the way they are and it’s their zodiac signs affect them or not.
And also wants to know that these people are changed the way they are now, I know that so many questions come to your mind right now.
So if you’re wondering why some people are just inherently nice while others are so dang mean, then it’s better to stay here and look to their zodiac sign’s typical personality for your answers.
According to the astrologer, Gopansh Chaturvedi’s point of view, some zodiac signs have a tendency to land more on side of the scale from nice to mean than others do, based on their astrological chart or arrangement.
Of course, that exactly does not mean it’s Okay to take over you just can’t help but be mean or act like a saint because you’re just so nice, but you get my sense.
Here we ranked the meanest to nicest zodiac signs in order, as it definitely helps to figure out your zodiac sign’s position inside the list if you want to know why you are the way you are, and why they are the way that they are.
Table of Contents
Meanest To Nicest Zodiac Signs In Order.
Meanest Zodiac Signs Ranked.
These 7 zodiac signs are the top 7 meanest zodiac signs as per astrologers’ research and calculation because somehow their ruling planets also have the influence to make them the meanest zodiac signs.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21).

The Scorpio zodiac sign is likely the meanest sign on the whole zodiac wheels, so you need to be very careful when you’re around these meanest zodiac people.
And their play of choice when they want to let you know they’re not really happy or satisfied with you or when they want to revenge on you is how cruel they can get.
Mostly these Scorpio zodiac people aren’t scared to ignore you until you apologize on your knees with a lot of requests even if their anger is lost sight.
Scorpio zodiacs can also be vengeful, making it quite impossible to converse with them and explain to them until they’ve calmed down.
The storm that comes from Scorpios at the time of their anger and hatefulness is something you’ll probably never feel in other zodiac people.
And these Scorpios know about it too and they will frequently let you see bits and pieces of their full attitude problem before declaring it to give notice to you or warning you, and give you a chance to don’t do this again or make it right immediately.
That’s why they are the top meanest zodiac on the list of meanest zodiac signs ranked.
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Capricorn (December 20 – January 19).

Is Capricorn the meanest zodiac sign?
Capricorn zodiac sign is one of the meanest zodiac signs more often than not, but it’s the way they speak it that really steers people crazy.
Instead of sticking to one tactic, they’re cruel and aggressive, which only makes them look that much meaner which they exactly do not want.
You might notice lots of aloofness when Capricorn zodiac people are being mean, which usually includes brutal behavior, cold shoulder, ignoring you, and even blocking you on social media, etc.
On the other hand, the Capricorn zodiac can have a very fiery character; they just get fierce so much so that they can even be characterized as rageful.
When they get into this vengeful kind of attitude, they’ll act venomously, confront you at the most destructive possible moments, and make you feel terrible and all with a few condescending words and some glaring eyes.
Don’t let this hot and cold way fool you, though. And mostly these Capricorn people know exactly what they’re doing when they’re going to be mean.
And for that, they come to the 2nd place in the meanest to nicest zodiac signs list.
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Aries (March 21 – April 19).

No doubt that Aries zodiac people are very revengeful just for their ruling planet Mars, which is the planet of war.
For knowing these Aries zodiacs you need to spend a few minutes with them and you’ll understand why Aries zodiacs are awarded as very fiery.
These Aries zodiac people usually don’t hold anything back because they know that bottling things up only makes you lofty and a pill to be around.
Of course, Aries people aren’t afraid to initiate war or fight if they know that this was going to clear all the negative things on the air so they can enjoy their day again.
And the surprising thing is Aries zodiacs are well known that they can be mean, but like to think of it as a passion instead of mean just sounds so… mean.
They get their way whenever they desire, so there’s no sense for them to get around something if they’re going to have to get a little assertive later on.
After all, Aries zodiacs are very busy and they don’t have time to fight with you, though, so expect them to say their piece and get on with their life, even if it’s mean.
It’s all about their choice to do things and getting mean is also their choice so they come to the 3rd position on the list of the 6 meanest zodiac signs.
Meanest female zodiac sign.
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Aries compatibility with 12 zodiac signs in love and friendship.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22).
Virgo zodiac people are usually known for their perfectness and for that they are getting mean sometimes.
And to the Virgo zodiac, being nice is all about letting go and relaxing enough to not let the little things get to you.
And unfortunately, Virgos are way too tightly wound to be able to do that for long periods of time.
This uptight quality or personality usually directs to them acting kind of mean, even if they’re not genuinely trying to be.
Virgo zodiac people can also be extremely passive-aggressive personalities, so once they are trying to be mean, they aren’t the type to encounter you or do something petty behind your back.
These people usually give signals or indications that appear like they’re directed towards you, but you’re not completely sure if they’re being mean to you or just warning about something else. Ultimately, though, you’ll get the clue.
These people are really not bad enough but sometimes an incident makes them mean which takes them to the 4th position on the list of the top 5 most meanest zodiac signs.
Meanest zodiac signs.
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Leo (July 23 – August 22).

Top 5 meanest zodiacs.
Leo zodiac people are as friendly as they can possibly be, which makes it sound like it’s a cop-out for them to be mean, but in actuality, they do try to make an effort.
These Leo zodiacs usually love being nice to others and spending some valuable moments with people and they know that they can’t do that if they’re mean.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that they’re nice to a flaw or that they’ll let anyone walk all over them because they can.
Some Leo zodiac people may be forgiving and compassionate sometimes not always, but one thing that they are not is innocuous.
If you try to take advantage of a Leo zodiac person or pick a fight with them then you will lose every single time.
Mostly Leos have no patience for the people who slowly try to get a peak out of them and can let off most things, but not when it comes to striking them emotionally or trying to make them look poor; that’s the time when you’ll see their mean side.
They are very dangerous and aggressive which is a sign that Leo is the 5th meanest zodiac on the list of meanest zodiac signs ranked in order.
Meanest zodiac signs.
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Cancer (June 21 – July 22).

No doubt that Cancer native people are very super nice, but they do constantly let their moodiness get in the way of their naturally sympathetic personality.
It might not really have anything to do with whoever they’re conversing with or hanging out with, but their sentiments can sometimes make them look less friendly than they truly are.
Unfortunately, when these Cancer zodiacs get into one of their less-tolerable attitudes, they aren’t so much mean but they are grumpy.
But there is one common thing you will experience very less with the Cancer zodiac a downright mean mindset.
They would much rather converse about what kind of sentiments they’re feeling at the point and go from there whether that means holing up in their bedroom or expressing those feelings through crying than clam up or take it out on you.
These Cancer zodiacs can be hypersensitive, but they do try to be nice to others of their familiar nature.
After all, this zodiac comes to the 6th number on the list of the 6 meanest zodiac signs.
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Gemini (May 21 – June 20).
In this zodiac sign you found a twist because a Gemini zodiac person can either be very nice or very mean, depending on what kind of mood you catch them in.
That said, you can almost ensure that you’ll always get a little bit of both moods, and says thanks to their dual nature.
When these Gemini zodiac people are friendliest, it’s because they can be a little bit hypersensitive and don’t want to rock the boat like others would want to in awkward situations.
And when Geminis are in their meanest mood, they can be quite argumentative and behave too rudely with you without thinking about what they said and whom they said.
This absolutely sounds rather aggressive and assertive, but you can’t really be shocked when it comes to this sign.
After all, their mood is everything that is changed in a very short time and their moods define how they address a situation.
So when Geminis are in a bad mood, expect lots of indictments and conflicts without any big deal.
But you just feel amazing when they’re feeling pleased, and expect lots of pleasure, smiles, and compassion from them.
So these people are usually not very mean or not very nice that’s why they come to the middle point on the list of nicest to meanest zodiac signs or vice versa.
Meanest zodiac signs.
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Nicest Zodiac Signs Ranked.
Libra (September 23 – October 22).
Libra zodiac sign is the nicest sign among all the sun signs you will ever meet because they always give their full potential to be the kindest person.
Libra zodiacs are born peacemakers and harmony, which means that if they see any sign of conflict among their friends, family, relatives, or strangers, they will do everything in their strength to make things right.
And Libra’s peacemaking is definitely something they energetically work towards and it doesn’t always come naturally so they do everything to make a balance in this world.
Libra zodiac people make great efforts to keep things optimistic and light because they are also massive people-pleasers.
And the other points of these Libras are they sometimes go out of their way just to make a person satisfied, even if it means putting their own emotions and happiness aside.
Of course, they’ll never confess this isn’t always what they desire because it makes them happy to be nice to others.
That’s why Libra is the top most nice zodiac sign on the zodiac wheel and also the number one sign of the list of nicest to meanest zodiac signs list.
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Pisces (February 19 – March 20).
Pisces zodiac people actually love being kind and sympathetic to others because it makes them feel like they’re doing their best for themselves and making the other person happy.
And not only are Pisces zodiacs extremely nice, but they’re also generous and willing to help others.
In other words, their food mood and nice personality aren’t just a trick to get others to like them more but it’s their true feelings which come from their heart.
Discussion with pretty much anyone who has come across a Pisces zodiac and they’ll all make known you the same thing that they’re nice and willing to do charitable work.
Pisces zodiac people are also non-combative and there’s something about conflict and petty fights they really hate.
That’s why they always try to avoid every fight and conflict situation as much as possible.
They aren’t one to never get into painful conditions, but they just don’t focus on the point of making life difficult by being gloomy.
And in addition, Pisces zodiacs are strong believers that everyone catches more flies with honey than vinegar.
Here Pisces is the 2nd nicest zodiac sign on the zodiac wheel and also in the list of the nicest to meanest zodiac signs.
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Taurus (April 20 – May 20).
Taurus zodiac people really have very nice personalities which are more than just doing nice things for others.
And am 100 percent sure that they’re the type of person who always exchanges niceties with outsiders or strangers, and they hold the door open for everyone and let you go first when it comes to pretty much anything, but that’s not enough to describe a Taurus zodiac?
They’re also extremely patient presumably more than you think so and more than a lot of people you’ll meet till now.
So it’s a difficult task for everyone to make Taurus mean and this also means that it isn’t easy to get a Taurus aggressive and cold or make them lose their cool.
This Taurus zodiac is inherently a very sensitive and emotional person who knows how to put in words their feelings rather than bottle them up.
And this positive sense and simplicity make it so much easier for them to let things go and concentrate on positive things that make them happy.
And if you want to know what makes a Taurus zodiac person happiest? Then the simple answer is being an easy-going, nice, and overall positive person.
This is the 3rd nicest zodiac sign on the list of nicest to meanest zodiac signs.
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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18).

You rarely catch Aquarius zodiac people in one of their rare bad moods and now you might think that they’re just mean people, but in truth, Aquarius zodiacs are actually very nice.
But instead of being the door-holding, smile-at-every-stranger-they-meet type of personality, they have, actually, they’re more friendly being who simply wants to get to know you better.
Yes, absolutely these Aquarius zodiacs might do these other things which are part of being mean, too, but their main purpose is just to make friends and stay happy.
The plus point of these Aquarius people is they love meeting new people and staying in a positive mindset because it’s when they feel like their most precise selves.
These Aquarius zodiacs are really very innocent and they are always eager to learn what makes others because they think that people are more open to being friends when they can talk about themselves.
No doubt that the Aquarius zodiac person is a great listener and takes advantage of that talent to show others just how humble and friendly they can be.
They don’t like to be known as anything but their original self, so they never suppress the person they are from you.
The above description shows you that they are nice but not nicest so they come to the 4th position on the list of nicest to meanest zodiac signs list.
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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 19).
Sagittarius zodiac sign is one of the most kindest zodiac signs you’ll ever meet in your life because these zodiac people make an effort to be free of anything and anyone they meet and they deem adverse, salty, crunchy, and just all around not good.
These people are really very hardworking and they believe to do work for that concept, they do their own thing in life and if you want to hang around them, you must vibe on their status.
That clearly mentioned that no bad-mouthing people, no discussing things you hate, and definitely no getting caught up in petty stuff.
It might look like the Sagittarius zodiac person is simply avoiding the inescapable with these life rules and regulations, but in fact, they aren’t interested, simple as that.
Sagittarius zodiacs really don’t care if anyone wants to be opposing, just don’t bring that into their life.
They’re excellent just because they don’t see any motive to be anything but nice which is the backbone of their success.
Some people think that these rules and regulations might be a foreign concept if they hang out with one, but it’s also very refreshing.
This zodiac signs no doubt that comes into the category of the nicest zodiac sign but it comes to the 5th position on the list of nicest to meanest zodiac signs.
Sweetest zodiac signs ranked.
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Sagittarius compatibility with 12 zodiac signs in love and friendship.
Meanest To Nicest Zodiac Signs.
Here we list all the nicest to meanest zodiac signs in order for your knowledge:
- Scorpio.
- Capricorn.
- Aries.
- Virgo.
- Leo.
- Cancer.
- Gemini.
- Sagittarius.
- Aquarius.
- Taurus.
- Pisces.
- Libra.
The top 6 zodiac signs are the meanest zodiac signs and the bottom 6 zodiac signs are nicest zodiac signs.

Bottom Line From Progrowinlife.
Finally, you come to the bottom of this article and we hope that you know the reason behind your behavior. But it’s okay because you never change it completely.
If you are on the list of meanest zodiac signs then you need to change yourself as much as you do but definitely try this to make some changes in yourself.
And if you are on the list of nicest zodiac sign then congratulation to you because you are the person who makes balance in this world.
If this article (the nicest to meanest zodiac signs) is informative then read the following articles and know more interesting things about you.
Meanest zodiac signs.
You also like to read these articles:
12 Most beautiful zodiac couples spark their life together.
12 Best zodiac pairs for marriage and a complete family.
12 Best Long-Lasting Zodiac Couples Love will last forever.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).
What are the top 5 meanest zodiac signs?
Here we describe the top 5 meanest zodiac signs as per astrologers,
1. Scorpio.
2. Capricorn.
3. Aries.
4. Leo.
5. Virgo.
What is the nicest zodiac sign?
Libra is the nicest zodiac sign according to astrologers’ points of view because this zodiac sign is the nicest sign among all the sun signs you will ever meet because they always give their full potential to be the kindest person.
Libra zodiacs are born peacemakers and harmony, which means that if they see any sign of conflict among their friends, family, relatives, or strangers, they will do everything in their strength to make things right.
What zodiac signs have a good heart?
These 6 zodiac signs have good hearts and they are always ready to make everyone happy.
1. Pisces.
2. Leo.
3. Cancer.
4. Aquarius.
5. Libra.
6. Taurus.
What is the meanest of all zodiac signs?
Capricorn zodiac sign is the meanest of all zodiac signs and it comes to the top position on the list of the top 6 meanest zodiac signs.
They have a bad temper which makes them aggressive and sometimes more dangerous and then confront others at the worst time possible.
What are the zodiac signs meanest to nicest?
Here we listed all the horoscope sign personalities ranked from nicest to meanest zodiac signs.
1. Libra.
2. Pisces.
3. Taurus.
4. Aquarius.
5. Sagittarius.
6. Gemini.
7. Cancer.
8. Leo.
9. Virgo.
10. Aries.
11. Capricorn.
12. Scorpio.
Which zodiac sign is jealous ranking?
Jealousy and its intensity can vary from person to person according to their zodiac sign.
Some astrological signs are often associated with certain personality traits that might make them more prone to jealousy.
Here is a general ranking, from zodiac signs that are often considered less jealous to those that may be more prone to jealousy:
1. Aquarius.
2. Sagittarius.
3. Libra.
4. Gemini.
5. Aries.
6. Taurus.
7. Pisces.
8. Cancer.
9. Virgo.
10. Leo.
11. Capricorn.
12. Scorpio.
Who is the kindest zodiac sign?
Kindness is a trait that can be found in individuals of all zodiac signs, but is vary according to zodiac signs.
The following zodiac signs are sometimes described as most kind and compassionate:
Top 5 kindest zodiac signs:
1. Pisces.
2. Cancer.
3. Libra.
4. Taurus.
5. Virgo.
Which zodiac sign is more badass?
The concept of being “badass” is highly subjective.
“Badass” typically refers to someone who is tough, confident, and daring, often in a way that is admirable or courageous.
These qualities can be found in individuals from specific zodiac sign, as they are more a result of one’s personality, life experiences, and choices.
No doubt that every zodiac sign has its unique strengths and characteristics, and people from all signs can exhibit courage, resilience, and determination in their own ways.
But these three zodiac signs are know as more badass than others.
1. Leo.
2. Sagittarius.
3. Aries.
Which zodiac is harsh?
A person’s behavior and character are influenced by a multitude of factors, including their upbringing, life experiences, values, and choices.
People can be kind, empathetic, and compassionate or assertive, direct, and firm, and these qualities are determined by their zodiac sign.
People are complex and multifaceted, and their behavior is shaped by a combination of nature and nurture.
These three zodiac signs are harsh as per their ruling planet and elements.
1. Scorpio.
2. Capricorn.
3. Virgo.
Which zodiac sign is the best?
Each zodiac sign has its unique strengths, weaknesses, and qualities, and what is considered “best” can vary depending on personal preferences and circumstances.
The idea of the best sign is highly subjective, and a person’s character and value can be determined solely by their zodiac sign.
These three zodiac signs are comes to the top of the best zodiac signs.
1. Taurus.
2. Libra.
3. Cancer.
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