Do you want to know whether your zodiac sign is compatible with Aquarius or not? If you are an Aquarius native then what is your compatible sign?
There are many different people and their different demands and questions about their compatibility. So, we try to answer everyone’s query here.
Aquarius is free-spirited, sometimes aloof or disconnected, and well, a pretty wacky and weird sign of the zodiac.
And this zodiac sign is usually misunderstood since they’re really unique and one-of-a-kind in their strange and different and specific characteristics.
The Aquarius zodiac sign is known as the humanitarian of the zodiac list, as well as the sign of friendship.
And they always want to be part of everyone’s life and need to assist others and make a difference in the world, at considerable.
The planets Uranus and Saturn are the ruling planets of the Aquarius zodiac sign, which motivates these zodiac people to think forward.
And as an air sign, these zodiac people are confident, analytical, advanced, self-reliant, clever, intelligent, and, competently, a wonderful sign.
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Aquarius Personality Traits.
Aquarius is in continuous search of their life purpose, and they’ll keep searching for solutions, answers, and indications for self-discovery, as well as for new routes in which they can lie beside the lives of others.
And they make them feel brighter and more satisfied in their life and it’s Aquarius’ route to find their answers to the question “why” and their role.
No doubt, Aquarius is smart and creative, but can also be suspicious, unruly, antagonistic, and sometimes too absent-minded or behave like a child.
And the shocking part is that they tend to overthink and get devastated by endless thoughts and don’t look like to deal with stress and tension well.
Their minds constantly go into overdrive, and they can’t power down and stop that constant steady stream of thinking those are fantastic, creative, and imaginative, or those are contradicting or anxiety-provoking and may lead to hesitation, anxiety, or doubt, and lastly, those are random.
However, oddly charming and accordingly needs an explanation, or answer no matter what and why.
Aquarian people routinely question and answer their part in the world and make an effort to help as many people as they can.
And when they go for helping people they do it without becoming too wearied and emotionally exhausted by it all.
Aquarius people mostly give importance to independence and they don’t look for help readily from others or let their inner battle show, and keep feelings inside and hidden behind their strict surfaces.
Which zodiac sign is most compatible with Aquarius?
Aquarius zodiac person tends to have goofy, entertaining, and usually delightful (for the most part) peculiarities, which put them apart from the mob or crowd areas and keep their life enjoyable and people on their toes.
Aquarius cannot keep up profound or serious for too long of a period, without taking a break for chuckles and formalities to avoid lethargy.
They always need pleasure, ludicrousness, originality, and inspiration to keep their interested and imaginative minds active and their enthusiastic, dreadful little spirits engaged.
You read above that Aquarius is also the sign of friendship and is sincere and faithful, sometimes to a drawback.
And they can be rather blunt and brutal in their delivery of expressions, at times, too.
They do have a gift for thought “big-picture,” and for greater interest, with a keen mastery for catching a glimpse of and knowledge of multiple perspectives, at one time.
These people are honest, faithful, and sincere in personality, with good intentions, but Aquarius can be assertive and revolutionary, particularly in reaction to dispute.
They strive to create a difference in bettering the lives of those around them, and for humankind, at considerable, and usually need to entrench for the underdog, or those working and in need.
Compatible signs with Aquarius will have sovereignty and independence, to give them freedom, but also keep contact, quality time, and depth in the discussion, connectivity, and development happening and present.
So Aquarius can always feel safe and secure to be confirmed and feel respected and advantageous.
Related Reading: 8 zodiac signs are compatible in bed.
6 zodiac signs are most compatible with Aquarius.
Love partners may be extremely active, open-minded, and receiving, despite how weird their Aquarius may be or how strange their thoughts or ideas may appear.
Aquarius zodiac people hate being misunderstood and urge absolute blessing and love from their partner, who it’s compatible and uncompromising, as well as sensual of responsibility, as Aquarius wishes it’ll last forever.
Aquarius and Aries Compatibility.

Aries is the first zodiac of the zodiac list and it is the cardinal fire sign, two signs apart from Aquarius, which makes for a friendly, easygoing relationship.
Both zodiacs are free-spirited, self-reliant, and moved to achieve their goal in their own way.
But because the Aquarius zodiac person tends to be a bit more of a person than Aries, and Aries is frequently more open-minded, there’s a lot in their relationship they can get by heart from one another.
The Aries zodiac person will be fast or quick to jump on whatever huge undertaking the two dream up while the Aquarius can ensure follow-through.
Related Reading: Aries compatibility with all zodiacs in love and friendship.
Aquarius and Gemini Compatibility.

Gemini is the third zodiac sign of the zodiac list and the mutable air sign, trine, or four signs apart from Aquarius which is one of the most natural pairings and an ideal match.
And here you just imagine that both zodiacs are the same in their character, or personality i.e. humanitarian, social, and mentally charged.
Still, despite communicating all that airiness with their Gemini partner, Aquarius is the fixed sign of the aircrew, so these Aquarius people do tend to dig their heels in their own way. At the same time, Gemini wants to commit the right to reverse things at a moment’s memorandum.
Being sure of their innate propensities to be open-minded and receive one another’s peculiarities can keep this airy couple on the same page and best compatible with Aquarius.
Related Reading: Gemini compatibility with all zodiacs in love and relationship.
Aquarius and Leo Compatibility.

Leo is the fifth zodiac sign of the zodiac list and it is a fixed fire sign, opposite, or six signs apart from Aquarius, which makes an ideal pairing or yin-yang match.
Ruled by revolutionary Uranus, airy Aquarius can be unfamiliar, cold, advanced, and platonic-minded, wired to prioritize sensible thinking over sentiments, while Leo exudes the passion and ambitions of cinematic-level romance.
The zodiac sign Leo also tends to be self-focused and would care to be seen as an ideal leader while the zodiac sign Aquarius prefers peculiarity, abhors harmony, and prioritizes society over self.
You must be sure that the best compatible with Aquarius is Leo.
Still, each of the partners has what the other could take advantage of a bit more of, so as long as both mates’ give and take is on-point, their romantic relationship could be as satisfactory.
Related Reading: Leo compatibility in love and friendship.
Aquarius and Libra Compatibility.

Libra is the seventh zodiac sign of the zodiac list and it is the cardinal air sign, trine, or four signs apart from Aquarius, which is considered the “as satisfactory as it gets,” harmonious match.
Both zodiac signs are super-social and possess high mental energy, and they’ll usually come across as significant power couples. Now you just fix your mind that Libra is always compatible with Aquarius.
At the same time, the zodiac Libra, ruled by sweet Venus, takes pleasure in old-fashioned romance and masterpiece styles that could hit quirky, mainstream-loathing Aquarius, ruled by unruly Uranus, as boring and traditional.
That said, being ready to take up one another’s fascinations will maintain this airy duo on the same page in their life and relationship.
Related Reading: Surprising facts about Libra compatibility.
Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility.

Sagittarius is the ninth zodiac sign of the zodiac list and it is the mutable fire sign,or two signs apart from Aquarius, which makes for a friendly, organic relationship.
The Water Bearer Aquarius prioritizes humankind, society, community, and what’s best for everyone collectively, which can be a beautiful complement to Sagittarius zodiac people’s passion for the fact or reality and soaking up proficiency.
Both zodiac signs prefer standing for a strange, free-spirited path for their own satisfaction and happiness. Overall, Sag is compatible with Aquarius.
The only place where these two zodiacs might fight is despite being so future-minded and advanced, Aquarius tends to think in a black-and-white way, digging their heels in their way, while Sagittarius is obsessed with being open-minded.
But if these two zodiac signs can learn from one another, they’ll be unstoppable.
Related Reading: Sagittarius compatibility with 12 zodiac signs in love.
Aquarius and Aquarius Compatibility.

Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac sign on the zodiac list and here two Aquarius are sure to be instant friends, pumped to pair up to save the world.
And even if they’re romantically engaged, they’ll feel like besties or friends.
They’re both most comfortable in platonic relationships, in which they’ll feel like they have enough space to inhale and exhale, they’ll have no issue getting exactly that from one another.
The only problem spot could be when one Water Bearer’s logical but usually black-and-white way of thought isn’t in line with the others, making for fixed sign-on-fixed sign pressure.
Related Reading: Which male zodiac sign is best in bed?
Aquarius least compatibility.
Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility.

Earthy Taurus is the second zodiac sign of the zodiac list and it is the fellow fixed sign, which is square, or three signs apart from Aquarius which makes for a challenging but also switching on dynamic.
Both the Water Bearer Aquarius and the Bull or Taurus tend to be a bit hardheaded and put on catching sight of the world through their own lens, which can make it difficult for them to get on the same page in the relationships.
And while Taurus is ruled by the pleasure-seeking planet Venus, and is a bit of a slow-paced homebody and Aquarius is ruled by the electrifying planet Uranus and wants to get out and be in a world, which is surrounded by anyone and everyone.
Still, if these two zodiac partners are willing to consider the other partners’ viewpoints, they’ll find they can achieve anything they fix out to do as a couple or team.
Sometimes Taurus is most compatible with Aquarius and sometimes the least compatible with Aquarius.
Related Reading: Taurus compatibility with all zodiacs in love and marriage.
Aquarius and Cancer Compatibility.

Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign on the zodiac list and it is the cardinal water sign, quincunx, or five signs apart from the Aquarius which makes for an awkward, uneasy pairing.
Ruled by revolutionary Uranus, airy Aquarius is cold, trendiness, and future-minded, liking to take up logical thought over feelings, while Cancer is infrequently going to set aside how they intuitively sense to use only their head.
The Cancer has a soft spot for rituals, and traditions, particularly those that are intertwined with family, relatives, and friends while the Aquarius prefers to strike out on their own and against tradition and ritual.
In a standard scenario, Aquarius can offer Cancer a divergence from the normal while Cancer can demonstrate to Aquarius the beauty of trustworthiness.
Related Reading: Cancer compatibility with 12 zodiac signs.
Aquarius and Virgo Compatibility.

Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign of the zodiac list and it is the mutable earth sign, quincunx, or five signs apart from Aquarius, which is commonly believed to as a rather awkward angle.
But while the zodiac sign Aquarius is gripped with what’s going on in a universal hierarchy and Virgo’s completely in the weeds.
These two zodiac signs can get at common ground when it comes to their large, humanitarian hearts, practical mindsets, and personality.
The zodiac sign Aquarius can make known Virgo to the nonprofit or movement they’re intensely committed to, and the zodiac sign Virgo can come up with a step-by-step movement plan for making actual improvement.
Related Reading: 9 zodiacs are most compatible with Virgo females.
Aquarius and Scorpio Compatibility.

Scorpio is the eighth zodiac sign of the zodiac list and it is the fixed water sign, square, or three signs apart from Aquarius, which is considered a tense, at worst, and triggering at best connection.
Water Bearer Aquarius are notoriously familiar but unkind, future-minded but persistent, and romantic but contrarian.
They’re wired to connect with the world in a very philosophical method, while Scorpio can’t support but be emotional, intuiting, and even psychically thumping into the dark side of life.
And as two fixed signs, both might deny swinging around from their go-to game plan, resulting in a standoff.
But these opposite zodiac partners can also teach one another a lot about an unfamiliar philosophy (science vs. spirituality, justification vs. emotional conversion).
Related Reading: Which zodiac sign is most compatible with Scorpio?
Aquarius and Capricorn Compatibility.

Capricorn is the tenth zodiac sign of the zodiac list and it is the cardinal earth sign, or one sign apart from Aquarius, which makes for a bit of awkwardness.
The Water Bearer Aquarius prioritizes society, humanity, and community, and what’s good for everyone collectively. So there are many differences between them and here you know that Capricorn is not compatible with Aquarius.
Alternatively, Capricorn is a bit more attentive to taking on the challenges they notice along their own path and sticking with a tried-and-true formal strategy, whereas, Aquarius is all about changing positions in an uncommon, free-spirited path.
If Capricorn people are ready to let Aquarius show them the magnificence of striking out on their own and Aquarius is available to understand stick-to-itiveness from the Capricorn, they can actually be a dynamic partner.
Related Reading: 7 best female zodiac signs in bed.
Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility.

Pisces is the twelfth zodiac sign of the zodiac list and it is the mutable water sign, or one sign apart, from Aquarius, which makes for a little dissatisfaction or trouble.
Although both zodiac people are humanitarians and endlessly creative and inventive, the Water Bearer Aquarius thinks in a very scientific, rational way while the Pisces is a dreamer through and through.
But Aquarius can learn adaptability from the Pisces, while the Pisces can learn how to be more antagonistic in striking their purposes.
If these two zodiacs are willing to see the world through the other’s eyes, they could take even their wildest, creative concept and make it into something real.
Pisces is non-compatible with Aquarius in their different personality and goal.
Related Reading: This 5 zodiac is best in bed.

Bottom Line from Progrowinlife.
Whether you’re feeling sure or freaked out at the point, remember that no matter how compatible you are or not with your partner, you seem to be with your spouse or potential love match, sun sign compatibility is just one small piece of a larger puzzle.
You can get the most precise idea of how you are compatible with a partner by looking at your whole natal chart.
After all, if you’re ever drawn in to take a swipe at an Aquarius person as annoyingly aloof and contrarian, check out your own birth chart for more clarity.
And here you may find some ideas because here it is divided up into 12 houses, each ruled by one of the 12 signs.
Everyone, even you have some quirky Aquarian power in them. If you’re a Scorpio or are interested in dating consider this required reading.
You also like to read these articles:
The most romantic zodiac sign.
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Virgo and Pisces compatibility in love and relationship.
Taurus man and Pisces woman compatibility in love.
You also like to watch this video: Aquarius compatibility.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Who should an Aquarius marry?
These zodiac signs are the best match for Aquarius for marriage.
Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius are perfect for Aquarius people to marry.
What is Aquarius most compatible?
As air signs, Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini, and as fire signs, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries are most compatible with Aquarius.
What sign is most compatible with Aquarius man?
There is no doubt that the Sagittarius woman is the one best compatible with Aquarius male zodiac sign because they both have the same sense of passion and love.
Which zodiac sign is most compatible with Aquarius male?
There is no doubt that Sagittarius is the one best compatible with Aquarius male zodiac sign because they both have the same sense of passion and love.
Which zodiac sign is most compatible with Aquarius moon?
Aquarius moons are independent and open-minded. So they are well-matched with three zodiac signs.
And these three zodiacs are most compatible with Aquarius moon.
1. Aries moon.
2. Libra moon.
3. Capricorn moon.
Which zodiac sign is most compatible with Aquarius rising?
In terms ad love compatibility, there are two zodiac signs that are most compatible with Aquarius rising.
1. Gemini rising
2. Libra rising.
Which zodiac sign is most compatible with Aquarius Venus?
There are 2 zodiac signs which are most compatible with Aquarius venus.
They are Aries venus and Sagittarius venus
Which zodiac sign is most love compatible with Aquarius?
These 4 zodiac sign is most love compatible with Aquarius.
1. Aries.
2. Leo.
3. Virgo.
4. Scorpio.
Overall these zodiac signs are medium compatible with Aquarius but their traits and personality will match each other.
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