Hey, are you worried about the question of how to be more intimate with your wife?
Closeness or intimacy with your wife in a relationship does not come overnight. In someone’s relationship intimacy comes early and someone late.
But why is there such a difference, why some people are early and some people are late?
The answer is not so simple like a wife that we would say it is too soon for this specific reason.
There are many ways to be more intimate with your wife in a relationship.
Before knowing how to increase intimacy, it is essential to know what and how many types of intimacy are in a relationship.
Table of Contents
What is Intimacy in a relationship?
Intimacy means that you feel safe to share your feelings with your partner and feel deeply connected to him or her, both emotionally and physically.
And you also feel that both of you have separate bodies but one soul. This is the meaning of true intimacy in a relationship.
The real fact is, that intimacy fosters a warm, friendly, and informal atmosphere that makes you and your partner easy to share mutual thoughts, feelings, habits, and love.
How many types of intimacy are in a relationship?
There are many different types of intimacy in relationships, and they help to increase intimacy with your wife in different ways.
The ten most important types of intimacy are described here for your knowledge. It will surely help you to increase your intimacy.
1. Emotional intimacy.
2. Physical intimacy.
3. Intellectual intimacy.
4. Lovemaking intimacy.
5. Spiritual intimacy.
6. Aesthetic intimacy.
7. Creative intimacy.
8. Recreational intimacy.
9. Experimental intimacy.
10. Mental intimacy.
The above ten tips will give you golden opportunities to be more intimate with your wife.
Now it is time to discuss how to be more intimate with your wife and follow some simple and easy ways that can be useful for you.
How to be more intimate with your wife?
Since you are a man, it is not easy for you to understand or know about a woman because a man can understand another man very easily and the same thing happens with a woman.
So you have to give your hundred percent effort to be more intimate with your wife. But the most important thing is your willpower and love.
Follow the 25 tips below and include them in your regular routine, and you’ll see your intimacy level increase like other people.

25 proven ways to be more intimate with your wife.
How to be more intimate with your partner? Intimacy with your partner is the breath of your relationship.
Before discussing the complete facts, it is absolutely necessary to know one important point because it will remove the small illusions in your mind and make it easier to understand further.
NOTE: Romance means Intimacy, but Intimacy does not mean romance.
Yes, physical touches, kissing, hugging, and holding hands everything including intimacy but the core value of intimacy is a deeper understanding between the two.
If you nurture your intimacy with your wife you live a happier, healthier, and more satisfying life full of surprises.
Get to know your wife a little better and make her feel that she is the center of your universe.
Here you found the top 25 proven ways to be more intimate with your wife. And try to start to follow these points today and next month you feel the growth and improvement in your relationship.
Love her unconditionally.
Love has the power to turn an enemy into a friend and subjugate the wild beasts of the forest.
If you love your wife unconditionally then she will be bound to love you and she will not even know she is in love with you.
She is a woman and her heart is very soft and they are easily melted by a person. Give her love and try to be more intimate with your wife.
Related Reading: Easy ways to in crease intimacy.
Try to be her strength.
A woman’s first strength is her husband. When her husband is with her she has no fear and her morale doubles.
And she comes out to face any problem or threat alone. So you must be her strength and always stand behind her.
This personality and character of yours will one day be a glory to her and she makes you her superhero.
So never miss the chance to do this because this is the straight way to be intimate with your wife.
Give compliments.
Everyone loves to hear their compliments and your wife will also want to hear compliments from you if you fulfill her wishes then nothing is more than her happiness for you.
So compliments for her dress, hairstyle, looks, and especially her cooking food. It makes her feel that you give her your undivided attention.
Related Reading: Sure-shot Signs he secretly loves you.
Appreciate her.
Do not think of your wife as less than yourself. Give her as much respect as a woman needs in her married life.
And help her to achieve her goals. Encourage her, and support her if necessary. And stand by her.
If she does everything to make you happy then it’s your duty to do something for her, at least say her “thank you”. So that she feels happy.
It’s simple to appreciate her but do it from the heart which helps you to be more intimate with your wife.
Remember her special dates.
After the wedding, both the husband and the wife hope that their partner will tell them the first good news on their special day.
And this is normal and is also a sign of a smooth, healthy, and successful relationship. If you are busy and have so many dates to remember then mark this on your mobile calendar.
Make her a special birthday party and let her know how much she means in your life and how important she is to you.
Be her caretaker.
A wife takes care of you, fulfills your small needs, and makes sure that you don’t have any problems, so you also have some duty towards your wife.
You can also take care of your wife and understand her needs and this is the sign of a good husband.
When your wife sees your devotion, love, and affection for her, she will feel very lucky and she always wishes to stay with you till her last breath.
So take care of your wife and be more intimate with her and live happily.
Related Reading: Good signs he’s husband material.
Give priority.
It is your duty to prioritize your lovely wife. Give value to your wife above everyone else and always make her feel that you respect her and her feelings.
Make your wife feel that she is the center of your life despite all your family, friends, and relatives.
These specific activities will bring new opportunities for you to get more intimate with your wife.
Fix some time for her.
Spending together time with your spouse is the top sign of intimacy in a relationship. So go to your wife and spend some time together.
You may be busy with your work but it is also important to make time for your wife and spend quality time together.
Add this time to your daily routine. Spend time together with passion and interest because that’s what every wife expects from her husband.
Related Reading: Eay ways to improve communication with your wife.
Try to be a good listener.
Intimacy totally depends on how much you both know each other. This is the easiest way to be intimate with your wife deeply.
And for knowing each other on a deeper level you need to listen to her full of attention and interest. That’s why you need to be a good listener.
Ask some questions to her and extend the conversation time. She will be happy to have a husband like you.
Help her with household chores.
If both of you do housework together, your wife will get some time to rest because every woman works round the clock without rest.
So try to do your work yourself and help your wife with housework if necessary. Help with household chores that you enjoy doing.
If you work together with her, you will have more time to spend with her and this has the added benefit of increasing your intimacy with your wife.

Take her on a romantic date.
You both are tired of your daily work. And wives feel more tired and bored doing whole day of work in the house.
So take a break from your busy life and go outside of the home and spend some quality time together.
Changing the atmosphere also changes your mood and makes you feel relaxed. Go somewhere and spend time, and share thoughts, and feelings to make your relationship stronger.
After marriage definitely goes for a honeymoon trip and know each other and try to be more intimate with your partner.
Related Reading: Wonderful and intimate things to do with your partner.
Always available for her.
Signs of intimacy in a relationship are making your partner feel like a queen in your relationship.
Everyone in your family never accepts her for what she is because accepting someone is not easy so they need some time and your wife also needs time to adjust there.
And this time your role is very important and you must be intimate with your wife for making her feel cool.
Hold her hands publicly.
Holding your partner’s hand in a public place is a proud moment and most men are not doing this with their wives.
Still, we don’t know why. You marry her and now you are authorized to visit anywhere with her.
Make her feel safe in public by holding her hands and make your bonding strong. And this type of activity makes your wife think that her husband cares for her.
This one is a good idea to be more intimate with your wife and show your feelings toward her.
Related Reading: How to deal with an angry wife?
Give sweet kisses to her.
Kissing your partner works as an energy booster drink. You don’t understand what am I saying. Don’t worry I clarify for you.
Kissing is a sign of love and affection. Show her your feelings when you go to your work and give her an affectionate kiss on her forehead.
Send her surprise gifts.
Send surprise gifts for her makes her day special. It doesn’t matter the size, price, or quality, if matter is your love for her through the gift you send.
Send her flowers, buckets, chocolates, teddy bear, and add a romantic love letter with the gift. Surprise her and see her happiness.
That moments are awesome. A wife needs your love so show your love in different ways and be more intimate with your wife.
Related Reading: Signs your husband loves you deeply.
Stay emotionally connected.
How to be emotionally intimate with my wife? It’s all about being available emotionally for your wife.
You live a successful and healthy marriage when you are both connected emotionally and physically. But a healthy physical connection is possible when you are connected emotionally.
When she feels sad, alone, angry, or irritated and she needs to share it with you, you need to be available there for her.
Share your feelings, thoughts, and goals with your wife and then you see she must share her own life story and you have a chance to be more intimate with your wife.
Understand her feelings.
How to connect with your partner on a deeper level. It takes time but is not a difficult task. You give the effort to touch her heart and observe her every activity.
After a few days, you completely know your wife and her personality. And your willingness makes you ready to understand her.
It needs patience and love for her. The increasing understanding between the two shows you millions of ways to be intimate with your wife.
Related Reading: Communicate better with your spouse.
Text her romantic messages.
Nowadays technology makes some work easy in our busy days. So you also take advantage of this technology and take one step forward to be more intimate with your wife.
It is not possible that you are always available physically because you have also some work so you are absent the whole day or night in your house.
When you are separate make her feel your presence by sending love and romantic messages to her if possible chat with her.
Also, send ‘I love you’ messages. It helps you to be more intimate with your wife in a short period.
Call her.
Calling your wife is not a crime. So why don’t call her in a duration? If you call her and ask some common questions then it’s good for you and your relationship.
If you call her, you create a good sense in her heart because she understands that you care for her and miss her.
After a few days, it’s your habit to call her when you are free and gradually you should be more intimate with your wife.
Related Reading: What a wife expect from her husband.
Give tight hugs.
Sometimes a hug from a close person values a lot in our life. So as human beings, everyone needs to hug.
If you hug your partner you found double benefits at a time i.e. she feels that you understand her more than herself and the second one is you excite her without any effort.
So why do you feel hesitant to hug her? Do it every day and show her how much you love her and care for her. So that you come to be more intimate with your wife.
Related Reading: Simple ways to tell your partner you need more intimacy.
Focus on affectionate touches.
Physical intimacy ideas always need to be creative. Don’t repeat the same thing or method to get intimate with your wife.
Offer her a shoulder and back massage or play with her hair or give her affectionate touches to do what makes her feel relaxed and excited.
Because the most powerful key to being intimate with your wife is your soft touches which demonstrate and rekindle the passion in your relationship.
Do new things together.
Break your rules, and timetable and change your daily routine because the same work makes you feel bored and tired.
I know it’s created a safe zone for you two but not a happy and healthy zone for you. So try to do new things together.
Doing new things definitely gives you pleasure and motivates you to do more things like adding a morning walk together to your routine.
So the plus point is you both have a chance to spend time together, talk to each other face to face and be more intimate with your wife.
Related Reading: How to apologize to your wife?
Laugh together.
Adding some humorous moments to your relationship is essential because it helps to reduce your stress, worries, irritation, frustration, and anxiety.
When you laugh together it creates an amazing atmosphere where you share your craziness, your childishness, and your wickedness with your spouse.
So never miss that moment because it never comes twice or you never make this moment again in the future.
It comes from the heart automatically so enjoy it and be more intimate with your wife by making your chemistry strong with her.
Related Reading: Procen ways to have intimate with your partner.
Make her feel comfortable.
The main thing to living in a happy and successful relationship is your satisfaction and comfort.
So always try to make your wife feel comfortable with you by providing her with safety, protection, security, and importance.
When she found all these above things in her relationship she automatically feels comfortable and satisfied.
So for creating more platforms to go more intimate with your wife, you need to focus on these things first.
You also like to watch this video: How to be more intimate with your wife?
Bottom line from Progrowinlife.
Marriage is a sacred bond that binds two strangers together. How the marriage will last long and turn into a successful marriage depends on both of you.
Intimacy in a relationship does not come by itself, it has to be brought about with great care.
It requires love, respect, understanding, time, patience, care, and many more things.
A wife expects a lot from her husband and keeping those hopes and expectations is a sign of a good husband.
Being physically intimate with a woman is not a big deal so always try to connect with her emotionally to stay in her heart.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).
How can I increase my intimacy?
There are 10 super easy ways to increase intimacy in your relationship.
1. Give sensitive touches.
2. Do new things.
3. Again honeymoon plan.
4. Stay connected both physically and emotionally.
5. Do changes to your daily routine.
6. Show love and affection.
7. Be vulnerable.
8. Surprise your partner.
9. Have fun together.
10. Schedule S£X.
How to increase physical intimacy in a relationship?
Increasing physical intimacy in a relationship is not easy but not difficult. Only needs your interest and effort.
1. Shower together.
2. Kiss your partner.
3. Give your partner a tight hug.
4. Do foreplay on the bed.
5. Undress each other.
6. Touch your partner’s body smoothly.
7. Do new things on the bed.
8. Make your partner wild.
9. Don’t wait for your partner to start.
10. Add physical intimacy to your daily routine.