Hey husbands, sometimes you are getting worried because of your angry wife. Many times you know the reasons behind her anger and sometimes you don’t know what is the reason for her anger.
Fighting, conflicts, and arguments in a relationship are normal. It’s normal for your wife to be angry at times, and that’s normal in a relationship. It makes a man sad and unhappy in a relationship. We know it hurts you a lot.
But there is something good in everything that is bad. And even in anger, there is love. If you are already married, then you have to go through the motions of both love, anger, sadness, happiness, and suffering.
As a husband, a wife should be quiet, simple, humble, and polite. And before marriage, a man wishes for this type of lady in his life. After marriage when he faces anger then he gets depressed and worried.
Table of Contents
Why is a wife angry?
But the first question is why would a woman get angry instead of being happy in her marriage? In a study, we found mainly these eight top reason that makes a wife unhappy in her marriage.
Husband’s immoral relationship.
Marital relationships need to be clean and transparent. A beautiful and healthy relationship is built on trust and faith.
When a woman finds out about her husband’s illicit affair or her husband cheating on her, the soil slips under her feet. Her love diminishes and she begins to get angry at small things. And she started to learn the signs of a cheating husband and also how to deal with a cheating husband.
She was not happy with the marital relationship.
There is a goal in married life and that is how to be happy in a relationship both husband and wife. But when a girl is not happy with that relationship, she can’t make her husband happy. Then you will only get grief, anger and hardship from your wife.
The main reason why a girl gets married despite her reluctance is that the woman is not happy in her marriage. The second reason is she never accepts her husband’s family easily. So, she always stays angry and she shows her anger to her husband.
Husband’s bad habits.
Currently, the number of divorces is increasing. The wife loses her patience when her husband’s bad habits cross the line. Love in a relationship diminishes over time and anger, turmoil, and anger increase in the mind.
All of your wife’s hopes and dreams are shattered because of this bad habit of yours. Naturally, she is angry with you and both are lived an unhappy marriage.
She has an extramarital affair.
When your wife loves another man (infidelity in a marriage) and she is happier with that man than you are. At the time, he didn’t like everything you did or speak. That’s why she is angry and irritated with you.
Extramarital affairs always hurt the person who trusts his wife. And these are the characteristics of a cheating wife. So, don’t worry about your angry wife. You just learn how to deal with a cheating wife.
Poor financial situations in a relationship.
Due to lack of money, human nature, character, and behaviour change. A lack of basic necessities in society can change a woman’s personality. A woman is angry at her husband for failing to meet her and her children’s needs.
Both husband and wife will survive an unhappy married life. In such a situation it is natural for a wife to be angry with her husband and learn how to get out of this situation as a husband.

Failure to meet the needs of the wife.
There are three essentials to living in a society. Food, clothing, and shelter, a person cannot exist without these three important things. You cannot be a good husband if you cannot meet all the needs of your wife. Learn first-hand what qualities are needed to be a good husband then learn to control your wife’s anger.
Every wife has a dream to live a happy and successful relationship but when the opposite happens in their life, they get angry and express their grief and anguish through anger and resentment.
She did not get the respect and love she deserved as a wife.
How do you react when you don’t have your rights? In the same way, how can a wife react when she does not receive as much love and respect from her husband? It’s normal for a wife to be angry and a woman to be angry!
If you can’t be a good husband, why expect a good wife? As a wife, she knows the qualities of a good wife. Everything has a limit. And it feels ugly when the border goes out. First, you respect and then expect love and respect from your wife.
If they are not tied on emotionally in a relationship.
Love and affection are two powerful things that hold the whole world together. Humans have understanding power but it keeps animals and birds together. You can’t be together until the two of you are not together emotionally.
Understanding is the secret key to a successful relationship. You can’t understand the language of your wife’s love, nor can your wife understand you. As a result, there will be disagreements between the two and your wife will be angry with you. Your wife will suffer from it and you will be a husband with her and live an unhappy married life.
How to know your wife is angry?
This is a considerable topic for every husband. How does a husband know that his wife is angry? Because every person is different and unique. They have their own way to express their love, anger, and resentment. So as a husband, it’s difficult to know that his wife is angry.
But you both have a special and different relationship with each other. So, you can feel when your wife is angry. But you have no idea what is wrong with her. Because there are many reasons to be angry.
Here we make your work easy because we listed different signs that show your wife is angry. So that you make your relationship safe. And also you make yourself ready to handle an angry wife?
Angry wife syndrome.
Below we listed some signs or syndromes that indicate your wife is angry and you are ready to deal with it.
1. She never communicates well.
2. Avoid connecting with you.
3. She keeps her physical distance from you.
4. There is no smile on her face.
5. Without asking provide you with everything.
6. She reacts negatively.
7. She makes herself busy with her work.
8. And she never takes care of herself.
9. Always stay silent and listen to your words.
10. Replies you on the short term keeps keeping her face in opposite directions.
11. Beverage eye contact with you.
12. She never goes to bed with you on time.
13. Sometimes she cries and never said you anything.
14. Or she reacts highly and is ready to argue.
15. She repeatedly says one thing that hurts her.
16. Sometimes she blames herself to marry you.
How to deal with an angry wife?
You may have a painful life and your wife’s anger can be detrimental to relationships. Your angry wife’s negative attitudes and behaviours can drain your activeness and energy. And leaves you feeling frustrated and unheard and undermine not only your relationship but also your wife’s health.
However, as a husband, you love her deeply and you want skilful ideas to deal with an angry wife, and you must want a successful and healthy relationship with your partner. And this is a sign of a mature person. Here we suggest you some effective strategies for dealing with an angry wife.

You stay calm and quiet.
Be quiet and calm when you see your wife angry. If someone is angry, listen quietly and give them a chance. Doing so will remove all the anger in her mind and calm her down very quickly. And you will have the opportunity to find out what is going on in your wife’s mind. This is the top way to deal with an angry wife.
Communicate with your angry wife politely and respectfully.
Don’t get angry when your wife is angry or irritated. Don’t talk to her loudly. Because the answer of your will escalate into a fight. Unrest in the family will continue to grow. So communicate politely and calmly and respect her as much as she did before because respect is important in a relationship. Try to find out why she is angry.
Try to understand why she is angry.
Why do husbands and wives quarrel? The first reason is a lack of understanding. And we all know that marital life is not successful and beautiful when both husband and wife do not understand each other well. It’s okay to have a family quarrel, but if we don’t understand the cause of the quarrel, it’s wrong. Your wife is angry and there are many reasons to be angry, so it is important to know why she is angry.
Think influence, don’t control your angry wife.
You do not try to change your wife. Because you can’t. You influence your wife and show her the advantages of your position. Being a good husband, you must influence your wife by creating an effective environment that is conducive to cooperation rather than control. We hope it’s the best strategy to deal with an angry wife.
Address your point of view when your angry wife is calm.
When your wife’s emotional state is highly charged and her cognitive state may be impaired. There is little point in addressing your point of view as long as the anger dominates. When both are calm and cool then you address the problems that led to your wife’s angry behaviour. And this is the way to save a failing marriage. This time your wife is more open to listening and understanding your problems. And this is one of the effective ways to deal with an angry wife.
You reflect on your actions and understand the triggers.
You are always responsible for your actions when your wife is angry and you react. You focus on your actions and reflect on what actions triggered her anger. The more aware you become, the less reactive and more effective you may become. If you know that you played a role in escalating a controversy then you must be responsible and acknowledge your part.
Always pick beneficial battles and think long term.
Husband and wife quarrel in a relationship hurts you a lot. But if you are an intelligent and emotionally mature person, you will not like to argue unnecessarily. So leave your comments there where there are benefits. Whenever there is a fight, you have to keep an eye on your future and the future of your relationship. This is a considerable way to handle an angry wife. Make your own valuable comments if your spouse’s behaviour is changing in the fight.
Don’t run away from her when she is angry with you.
This is the worst thing you do when you run away from the scene. You just stay there and observe her, what have wants to say to you, what exactly hurt her. We know she is angry and her voice is louder but still, she loves you deeply. That’s why she is angry with you. You just help her to recover from the hurting point and ensure that you are always with her and never repeat the things that hurt her.
You must try to agree with your angry wife’s opinion.
When your wife is very angry, don’t say anything to her against her opinion or thinking. Because her mental state is not good when she is angry. So if you say something against her, she will not accept it easily. You know your wife is wrong and you are right. Or she has some misunderstanding. But you don’t tell her the right thing to do. You just agree with her and say “you are right”. The easy way to handle an angry wife is to agree with her.
Give her personal time to release her anger.
If you stay together I mean an angry wife and reply to her when she said something to you then the day is over but the quarrel is not over. So, provide her some personal time for giving her mind some rest. And she realizes what is right and what is wrong. Realizing her mistake and making everything perfect is the responsibility of a good wife. It does not mean that you leave your wife when she is angry and wants to say something to you. You hold her hand and say to cool down then listen to her after that leave her for taking a long breath for relaxing.
You accept your mistake and say “sorry” to your angry wife.
When you do something wrong and your wife is caught in the act, you must say “sorry” for your fault. Now, in this stage, your wife is right and you are wrong. But if your mistakes are not forgiven, then the word “sorry” is valueless. But apologise to your wife sometimes effective. Try to connect with her constructive way and melt her anger. If necessary again and again said “am sorry”. This is a constructive way to face an angry wife.
You give your angry wife surprises.
Most women love surprises. And your wife is definitely one of them. So give her surprises and make her happy. Her favourite food, clothes, ornaments or the favourite person in her life, give her. Making your wife happy is the responsibility of a good husband. What should you do to make her happy, you just do that? All these things make your lady in love with you. That’s why it is the best and most romantic way to handle an angry wife.
Dealing with an angry wife is not easy but we all face that situation in our married life anytime. The above points sometimes help you to deal with your angry wife. We hope one of these strategies is definitely beneficial to you. Your wife is angry at you it doesn’t mean she never loves you. As a wife, she loves you secretly and you look at the love through your sense.
How to make an angry wife happy quotes.
After knowing that your wife is angry you must want to cool down her. So that you do many things for her but sometimes she never melts. That’s why you are looking for different ideas. Sometimes send her romantic love quotes, sometimes gift her, and sometimes take her for a romantic dinner.
Except for these ideas, we suggest you some different tricks to make her cool. Here you found some sorry and apologize for quotes that make your wife cool. So, you just try this and see the result.

Quotes for an angry wife.
“You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.” -E.E. Cummings.
“To me, you are perfect.” – Love Actually.
“You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love… I love… I love you.” –Pride and Prejudice.
“Life is not the number of breaths you take, it’s the moments that take your breath away.” – Hitch.
“I love you, and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald.
“If I know what love is, it is because of you.” – Herman Hesse.
“You are my today and all of my tomorrows.” – Leo Christopher.
“I don’t get angry. I’ve never been angry in my life. The only thing that makes me angry… (Hits Nick) is people who hit people. It makes me angry.” – Joe Jonas.
“No one has ever been angry at another human being we’re only angry at our storey of them.” – Byron Katie.
“I want to go to anger management classes and share all my angry stories with other angry people.” – Unknown.
“An angry man is again angry with himself when he returns to reason.” – Publilius Syrus.
“Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper only leads to harm.” -Unknown.
“When angry, count to four. When very angry, swear.” – Mark Twain.
“My wife is going to kill me. But you look like my wife, so that’s OK!” – Jay Leno.
“He that will be angry for anything will be angry for nothing.” – Sallust.
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How to deal with an angry wife?
Bottom line from Progrowinlife.
A marriage relationship is a very beautiful thing in this world. And fighting, conflicts, and arguments are the ingredients that make our relationship strong. But dealing with these things in the relationship is a top and hard work ever. And dealing with an angry wife is more top. But if you follow these above points when necessary then we hope your work is easy to do.
After all, an angry wife is not a bad woman’s time and situation make her an angry wife. We wish for a beautiful married life and thanks for visiting our site. If you feel that this article is useful to you then leave a comment below and support us for doing better.
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