Are you live in a long-distance relationship? Yes, that’s why you come here or you start a long-distance relationship and want to know about a long-distance relationship, problems, tips and tricks to keep active and healthy, challenges to face, effects on the relationship, and more.
But the common and important question that comes to mind is can long-distance relationships work? But don’t be afraid or worried because every relationship is like a coin that has two sides one is positive and the other is negative.
When we ask some long-distance couples about their experiences, they express their own thoughts and opinions. But everyone’s answer is different and unique. Some share positive parts and some negative. Some people are successful and some fail.
But success and failure are all about depending upon you both. We agree that a long-distance relationship is very hard and we face many problems. One thing you always keep in mind when you start a long-distance relationship is every couple is not a taste failure. So, be positive and the result is definitely come positive.
Table of Contents
Can a long-distance relationship work?
Most people are separated or live in a long-distance relationship due to family, finance, career, or another emergency. No one wants to live a mile distance from his/her partner. But time and situations force them to live separately.
Here I want to share my own long-distance relationship life. And give some interesting tips from my experience. I hope you learn something from here and use it in your long-distance relationship.
Today, my significant other and I are lived together. Continue our happy and healthy relationship. So, let’s start to know whether a long-distance relationship is work or not?
We describe here both the positive and negative results. Because when you know the negative effects, you try to avoid and do positive. That’s why you must conscious of what is good for a relationship and what is not. And you also learn what things you must avoid in your long-distance relationship. The points are:
- Yes, long-distance relationships work.
- No, long-distance relationships do not work.

Yes, long-distance relationships work.
Hey, the brave person is always ready to face new challenges. So you never put your feet back to face challenges in your long-distance relationship.
The real truth is when you think about the distance between you and your partner you feel unhappy. And it’s normal because you spend some beautiful and sweet moments together and you want to spend more time with your love.
So it’s tough to live far apart from your partner. But nowadays it’s easy to connect with your partner through technology and the internet. So, you have the chance and opportunities to make your long-distance relationship successful.
If we aside everything from them aside and try to make our partner special and happy then we just follow these steps.
For a successful relationship, you both give equal effort and help your partner to build your relationship healthier. After all, you do the necessary things in your long-distance relationship for working smoothly.
- Regularly call or text your partner.
- You must know the schedule of your partner.
- You work as a reminder.
- Share your whole day’s experience with your partner.
- Try to connect with each other on social media.
- You must connect with each other through video calls once a day.
- Take care of your partner in your long-distance relationship.
- Make your future planning together.
- You both talk deeply in your long-distance relationship.
- You must be honest outside of your relationship.
How to make her feel special in a long-distance relationship?
This is very top work for men to impress a girl. And it’s extremely top when both are living in a long-distance relationship.
Being in a long-distance relationship, you have to take care of many things and make sure that she feels special.
Actually, it’s difficult to answer the question of how to make her feel special in a long-distance relationship.
But we listed below some tips and tricks to make your girlfriend feel special. And these points ensure that you and your partner have a strong emotional bonding despite the physical distance between you two.
You never forget to wish her.
When you wish her, she automatically feels special. Wishing her doesn’t mean that you remember her birthday or other special days to wish. You just say her good morning, good evening, good night every day.
Your little wishes in the morning make her day special. And she feels more love towards you. Making her feel special is not a difficult task but it needs your interest and willingness to make everything good.
You keep good communication.
Nowadays it’s so easy to communicate with each other. Actually, girls need your interest. They like to talk to their partner most of the time. Not in everyone’s case but maximum girls like this. If you are busy or work with coworkers then you never feel comfortable talking with your partner through calls.
The internet makes everything easy. So just text her or chat with her online or send voice messages to her. At night you must talk to her. It’s essential in a long-distance relationship. And ask about her whole day’s experience. As much as possible you talk for a lengthy time.
Send her surprise gifts.
We all know that girls mostly like gifts and if you send her a surprise gift then the happiness is getting twice. Don’t worry! If there is true love in your relationship then the size of the gift doesn’t matter. A little gift also makes her happy.
When you send gifts for her you just add a note and write some romantic love message or quote for her. I guarantee that this love letter makes her feel special.
Meet her in a short duration.
You know what when you meet her and surprise her, you never imagine how much happy she feels. A sweet and cute meeting solves all problems. When you meet more your closeness is increase and it helps to strengthen your relationship.
If possible go for a long drive or romantic dinner, movie, date and spend some special moments. If you stay on a short distance then visit her and ask her to visit your home. You make her favorite dish and some ‘I love you’ cards for her. If she replies to you then you know that she secretly loves you.
You should be honest.
Honesty is the top source of a healthy relationship. A girl doesn’t trust a boy easily. She needs the quality of honesty. Always tell her the truth and never do wrong work which helps to break your relationship.
Actively listen to her.
Usually, girls are talking more and you have to keep patience and listen to her. Every girl wishes this type of boy who is listening to her actions and suggest her what is good for her.
These are the most important things to make your girlfriend feel special. Your undivided attention is the first fight for her, so never avoid her when she wants to say something to you.
Give positive compliments to her.
Every girl wishes that she found only positive compliments from others. When your partner shows you the things she purchases you give her the best compliments. So that she is kissing you on the phone or laptop.
When she goes to the office or other work you say something about her hairstyle, makeup, dressing, and jewelry. So that she is feel happy and blessed to have you as her boyfriend or husband.
Connect her on social media.
Connecting with your partner on social media is good for both if you do something for him on that. There are different types of social media like Facebook, Twitter Instagram, and so on. You just post some pictures for him and tag him. chat with him on messenger. Like and comment on his post on social media.
You should be open to her.
When both are close to each other then you never need to hide anything from your partner. You just open your heart and you automatically want to share everything with him. You share little things with your boyfriend and it’s a positive sign that you love your partner deeply.

How to make him feel special in a long-distance relationship?
Hey girls are you in a relationship and your boyfriend or husband live in another state or country and you want to show him how much he is special to you.
If he feels lonely and misses you so much then don’t worry. Here is plenty of ways to show him that you care for him and appropriate him and show your boyfriend that you are the better girlfriend. You are not there physically but make him feel that you are there for him and change the atmosphere.
So we suggest some tricky methods which bring a smile to your partner’s face.
You just believe him in your long-distance relationship.
Without trust and belief, the relationship is broken down and you both face unhappy life without your significant other. So, you believe your partner and his words, and build trust in your relationship. You never give negative comments or opinions which hurt him.
And make him feel that what he does is the best for your relationship. Encourage him in his work and help him to achieve his goals. You accept his destination as your own. If he wins you celebrate his achievements. So that he feels you are the only person who is made for him.
Text or message to encourage him.
Text your partner many times in a day and remind him his much you care for and love him. And make him feel that he is the most important person in your life. Thanking him that he comes into your life and becomes your life.
Ask him about his breakfast, lunch, and dinner or some secrets which only you and your partner know. Late-night chatting makes your partner feel love and romance for you.
Send him your pictures.
Sending your selfie to your partner and asking for compliments is the romantic way to feel special. You never wait for the right time to send your pictures.
Sometimes you just send your funny or hot images and beg for his pictures. You add some spicy to send your short funny videos and wait for the return. At night you just send some romantic pictures to your partner and he will appreciate your gesture and also send you something in return.
Touch him on social media in your long-distance relationship.
Nowadays social media is the platform where people share their daily activities. And there are some couple groups you and your partner just join that groups and participate in funny games.
Sometimes you post your couple’s pictures or your partner’s photos on social media for making him special. Try to tag your partner in your pictures, so that he knows you love him and he is the important person in your life. You like and comment on your sweetheart’s every post.
You both plan for your next meeting.
When you both talk about your next meeting you add some funny moments to that. You show him that you are so much excited about that day and discuss what you do on that day.
This funny topic surely makes your partner feel special. If possible try new places and new ways to enjoy that together time.
Online order his favorite food in your long-distance relationship.
Today there are many platforms to place orders for your partner. When you both stay together you know about his liking and disliking of his favorite food. So, sometimes you place an order for him and add a love letter where you write love romantic messages or quotes for him.
This one is a unique but awesome idea to make him feel special. Because food is the way to win your boyfriend or husband’s heart. If you say to the girl to choose they first choose jewelry or cosmetics and in the case of men mostly prefer food as their first choice. So, never miss the chance to impress him.
You just help him with his daily tasks in your long-distance relationship.
This one is the first duty for you to help your partner in his daily work and make his tension a little bit less. You just call him in the morning and wake up your partner. Remind him to take every necessary thing with him.
If possible you help with his office work and give him some rest. You do online shopping for him and make his work easy.

What is the success rate of a long-distance relationship?
According to new research, it was found that 58 percent is the success rate of long-distance relationships. Out of 100percent, more than 75 percent of engaged couples are living in a long-distance relationship.
The rest of the people are failing because of the burdens of keeping things exciting while apart and whether the relationships can struggle against the challenge of distance.
Around 75 percent of college students (between 18-24 years) have been in a long-distance relationship. But the average long-distance relationship ends in 3-5 months. Couples are breaking the relationships before breaking the distance. These relationship is failing relationships.
In a survey of a long-distance relationships, it was found that more than 27 percent of long-distance couples never lived near each other. And the interesting thing is about 50 percent of long-distance couples net each other online.
No! Long-distance relationships do not work.
These negative results come when one of you are not want to continue this relationship. Are you think that outside people or elements break your relationship? Then you are wrong! No one separates you two if you have true love.
Always making excuses and feeling uncomfortable with your partner is one of the reasons to leave the relationship.
A long-distance relationship needs work, effort, involvement, love, respect, trust, belief, willingness, sacrifices, and your time and patience.
When you miss one of them your distance relationship is never working. So the answer is NO! A long-distance relationship doesn’t work is hurt more when we hear it.
Why long-distance relationships don’t work?
Are you looking for the reasons why long-distance relationships don’t work? Then the sad truth is couples are focused on their regular relationships.
When you are living in a long-distance relationship then you remember to maintain the physical as well as emotional connection with your partner. I know it’s hard to maintain.
Poor communication leads to arguments, fights, doubts, and misunderstandings, and the most important thing is a lack of physical intimacy which leads to frustrations. All these things are breaking down the long-distance relationship.
But the top and important reason why long-distance relationships don’t work is pointed out here :
- poor communication between the couples.
- Skip the reasons for long-distance relationships.
- Lack of physical intimacy.
- There was no future planning.
- Lack of trust in your relationship.
After all, if you both want to stay together then there was no reason to separate. These reasons come in the place of the second because the top reason is your partner never wants to stay with you. Lack of interest and willingness to continue the relationship.
If a person never wants to move on with their relationship they create many excuses, mostly they keep the cap on your head that you break down the relationship.
Long-distance relationship problems.
Problems are part of our relationship. And problems make us strong and closer to each other. Who really loves you and wants to stay with you they never leave you on your difficult time. So you know who is actually loves you and cares for you.
But there are some differences between a long-distance couple and a living together couple because their problems are different. And long-distance couples are faces problems alone.
The common problems come in your relationship that kills your long-distance relationship is listed below:
- Losing interest in your relationship as well as in your partner.
- Lack of physical intimacy builds physical frustration
- Lack of trust and belief in your partner.
- You lose your emotional connection with each other.
- You feel bored in your long-distance relationship.
- Poor communication between you.
- You feel insecure about your relationship.
- Cheating issues in your long-distance relationship.
- More fights, arguments, conflicts, disagree, and so on.
- Gradually you are depressed about your long-distance relationship.
- You feel anxiety and jealousy in your relationship.
- Negative thinks to come to your mind first.
In a long-distance relationship, we all face these problems when we are keep some negative things in our mind.
When we try to handle these problems we skip our love, romance, and also our romantic partner. And the result is you move away from your loved ones.
If you want to continue your relationship then work on it quickly and keep safe your relationship. You need to understand what your partner wants from you or what’s going on in your partner’s mind.

How to turn a long-distance relationship into marriage?
Are you thinking about giving a new certificate for your long-distance relationship? Are you feeling like you’re ready to turn your long-distance relationship into marriage?
If yes! Then it’s an exciting time. But stop here for a minute. Turning long-distance relationships into marriage need a lot of thorough consideration and discussion with your partner.
When I turn my long-distance relationship into marriage, it needs a lot of work. We both focus on these points first and then we are married. Now we live like a happy couple. But these points are listed here for you that’s why you never face any difficulty in your future.
- Always try to make sure your partner is on board.
- You must analyze that your bonding is the strongest.
- You marry your partner for the right reason.
- Before marriage, you both have some time together and know each other physically.
- Are you sure about you’re stable in your life?
- You both consider pre-marital counseling.
- Introducing your partner to your family members and relatives.
- Seek your family’s granting and their acceptance.
- Look for the marriage registration office.
- Learn how to register your marriage.
- Both together plan for your wedding and related wedding work.
- Take time! Don’t rush into it.
If you can touch every point then you have to proceed and give a new name to your relationship. It’s not a small decision that you both take it. You add your family members and if possible you seek their opinion about your marriage.
If you both have true love then you must carry on your relationship and one day you definitely marry your soulmate. By the way, best of luck and happy married life.
Bottom line from Progrowinlife.
Everyone wants to live the rest of life with their partner but time and situations change everything that you wish for. But nothing is permanent, distance in your relationship Is also temporary. You stay strong and respect your relationship. You live a successful together life.
Finally, I want to say that a long-distance relationship works. And I am hundred percent guarantee that if you both are honest and trustworthy then your long-distance relationship is turning into marriage and live a happy and healthy married life together.
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