What is online infidelity in a relationship?

online infidelity

What is online infidelity in a relationship? Nowadays, it’s feasible to come to be involved with another person than their partner or by hooking up online. But while it may look innocuous enough. Thereupon, they are not in physical connection and online infidelity or online cheating is just that infidelity. Online infidelity is a type … Read more

How to solve infidelity in marriage? (6 tips)


How to solve infidelity in marriage is not a big issue but it affects your relationship as well as your health. These 6 tips work as a medicine. Most wedded partners watch infidelity as something that will never affect their relationship. It deems as a matter earmarked only for celebrities and public figures. This is … Read more

16 Main causes of infidelity in a relationship.

cause of infidelity

There are numerous causes why does a married person cheat? Above 40% of spousal partners are affected by infidelity and even with the high percentage, maximum people, actual those who drift will confess that infidelity is wrong. Would you stay faithful to your spouse, no matter what? For many of us, it is difficult to … Read more

How to deal with infidelity?


How to deal with infidelity in marriage? Approximately 25 per cent of married relationships and 40 per cent of unmarried relationships face problems of infidelity or an external affair and the digits are rising when also analyzing exclusively emotional affairs. An Affair results in drastic sentimental distress, but an external affair doesn’t have to imply … Read more